Viv from the OZ Battle Bunker makes some brilliant observations as to why White Dwarf as a symbol of change in the tabletop gaming industry

Viv used to run a game store in Oz called the Battle Bunker. It closed a few months ago. His videos before hand were always well made and quite instructive. I shared a lot of the feelings and frustrations he had since I was running a game store. Many people don’t realize that running an FLGS is a pretty thankless task. The industry changes so much, especially when you have a 2000 lb gorilla like GW in the industry. Either way, Viv does make some brilliant observations as to why White Dwarf makes a great symbol for change in the industry.

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Still, you can tell he is happier now and is finally getting his head around his new life away from the insanity of running a game store. His video today is about something he found cleaning his garage. He found an issue of White Dwarf from the mid 80’s. White Dwarf was a real gaming magazine back then and not the overpriced glossy ad that it is now. Viv’s comments are dead spot on. It’s well worth a look.


If you ever (as I did) worked for Games Workshop or worse yet, managed or owned your own FLGS, then you can appreciate that the second happiest day in your life is the day your store closes. The happiest of course being the day the store opened…

I’ve heard people insist that you should make what you love your job. If you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life.

Et cetera, Et cetera, Et cetera, as Yul Brenner would say. WARNING: I’M GOING TO RAMBLE. The real downside of making something you love as your career, is the fact that it is something you derive pleasure from. It’s a release from the stress of your job. I personally LOVED playing tabletop wargames, painting, everything about the tabletop industry in fact. I thought working for GW was the perfect combination of my hobby, nee my passion, and my experience in business. Very quickly, the day in day out grind of slinging crack rock, err, Games Workshop merchandise, quickly began to wear. My passion for the games and gaming industry rapidly waned. I began to hate and resent games.


symbol of change

Not the White Dwarf

Like most people that have ever worked for GW, I didn’t last. I knew well in advance that I was leaving one way or the other and had been looking for another job for a while. When I saw HR walk in the door of my store, I let out and audible sigh akin to this fellow you may remember from Waterworld. The old man at the bottom of the oil tank that says “oh thank God” as the torch that will blow him up and relieve his misery falls into the tanker of oil, it was like that.


So, have passions for pole dancing, painting toy soldiers, or web design. Great, you need passionate outlets for your creativity and soul to be refreshed. However, don’t make them your job. You’ll hate yourself.
